Johnson Hinkle & Associates, LLC

Johnson Hinkle & Associates, LLC specializes in Disaster Recovery Programs for the Healthcare industry. If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online, we would be pleased to hear from you! Let us know what your needs and questions are and we will be more than happy to help. The information provided at this site is intended to give you a general overview. Disaster Recovery is a broad topic that is best discussed in person.

Please take a few minutes to view the topics of interest and then let us know how we may be of service to you.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Does this describe your Current Disaster Recovery Program Status

  • No clear disaster definition
  • Procedures are not properly documented
  • Unknown recovery timeframe
  • No predefined recovery strategy
  • No testing or updating
  • End users expectations are not established and agreed upon
  • Open ended departmental downtime procedures
  • Executives unclear as to system loss impacts
  • HIPAA / JCAHO requirements are not being met
  • Current plan is "We're Working On It"
  • What Program?

If this describes your Disaster Recovery Program Status, we can help! Our consulting services will help you through the critical decision points so that you arrive at the best recovery solution for your healthcare system. We take on the task of writing the detailed recovery plans and procedures to be followed before, during and after a disastrous event. Since this is an ongoing process, we work with you to enhance and refine the plans over time.

Existing Disaster Recovery Plans become ineffective if not updated and tested on a regular basis. Our plan audit and maintenance services ensure that your current plans are up to date, tested and executable. Downtime Procedures need to be in sync with the IT recovery strategy and timeframe. We work with the user departments to update their Downtime Procedures. The telecommunications (PBX) and network require their own unique recovery procedures to ensure a fully executable Disaster Recovery Program.

Disasters are not defined by the cause, but by the effect they have on your health systems ability to provide patient care and meet the financial and operational goals.